Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Eve

That's right it's Mother's Day Eve-your last chance to go shopping and buy her something shinny or your last twenty four hours to finish that project. Either way, I hope you make time to make her feel special. Too many people lose their moms way, way too soon. Since, tomorrow is the big day-I'd like to take today to honor the "other mothers" . You know the ones-those that do the motherly things to kids not even their own. They run the carpools-and go the extra distance to make home made/really cools snacks for the team/friends at the house. They give hugs and words of encouragement. They praise good behavior and go one step further-they walk the walk and set good examples of how adults behave.  They frequently show their love-it might be with a phone call, a text, or even facebook. They hold hands and wipe noses-some even change diapers and the kids don't call them "Mom". Sometimes, they're just there-being there when a kid needs someone-those are the people that have my deepest gratitude-the ones that have been there for my kids. The one that prounounced my son as her favorite "nephew".  The one that gave him encouragement to follow his dreams and continues to offer him invaluable career advice. The one that listened to my daughter as she cried her eyes out over some stupid boy. The one that attended "The" game. The one that said "I'm proud of you" to a young adult wanting some else's approval. Maybe a hug was the only thing said-and that was just what was needed. It seems that through the years, you've always been there. It hasn't gone unnoticed or unappreciated. A word of thanks doesn't convey the depth of my gratitude. They don't call you "Mom" but a Mother's love you have shown. Thank you and may God bless you for all you have done, have been, and continue to be...

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