Saturday, February 23, 2013

Marty's Party

 A few days ago, I received another call-Marty (my mother-in-law of 23 years) is not doing well. The end could be near. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to say good bye-each time unsuccessfully.
I went in to her room with Lauren and she immediately looked at me and said that she was glad to see me. She said my name and when I went to hold her hand she moved hers to hold mine-a mutual movement by both of us. She told me I was "Sweet" and went on to say that she loved my shirt. This brought a smile to my face, you see this isn't the first time she's seen me in this shirt...every time I wear it in front of her she tells me that she likes it -every time. I don't think I wore it on accident.
She said she was glad to see Lauren and then kindof faded off. Her conversation wondered from one topic to the next, but some times she was very, very clear. Yes, she wanted ice cream. She wanted strawberry and not vanilla. Of course, she wanted chocalate (doesn't everybody?). Sometimes it seemed as though she was going to sleep and then would wake up quickly and started talking again. Somewhere out there, there's a meeting for the Organization of fun-and she's supposed to be there. The meeting has been called early. She wondered if Tracey could go with her.
Then, she looked at me and very seriously said "I'm tired of all of this... I want to go home and I don't mean to the house..." at which Lauren left the room (if she didn't have hold of my hand I would have too). Then she smiled and told me there would be a big party and that I would have a good time. She hoped that everbody would. She smiled, patted my hand, and went back to sleep.
This time when I kissed her good bye, I told her that I loved her and that I wanted her to be happy. I think I saw her smile.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Leadership School

     This week I was sent to learn more about "leadership" at a school sponsored by the company. I learned a lot of stuff and was reminded of quite a few things I had forgotten or got to busy to think about.
  I also learned that the president of our company knows my name-not sure if this pleases or alarms me but I have nothing but respect for the man. He believes in the people working for him.  Good to know.
The second thing that really stuck with me is the concept that "leaders" are taught and not born. Really? have you seen my family? Of my parents' nine grandkids-not one is a follower. They are all strong individual people with their own minds and ways of doing things-even the very smallest has made his big bro stand up and recognize. Maybe genetic testing is in order.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentines Revisited

 Because I still have a dozen beautiful roses in the kitchen (in a pretty snazzy vase), I think it's still ok to talk about Valentine's Day. Even if the chocalate in my heart is gone-you seriously didn't think it would survive the weekend did you? It last almost 24 hours (only because I slept eight and worked 12). 
I got  a lot of enjoyment watching Lauren fix dinner for Shane-and it turned out really well. He also fixed dinner for her (on a different night).
I got a little creative-I made eggs sunny side up in a heart shape (used a very large cookie cutter) and made bacon hearts (aka pinterest) to go with it. It looked cute. A whole valentine's breakfast in the shape of hearts for my sweetie. Lauren saw and after she finished laughing, told me I needed to get a life. Her laughter wasn't over-when she asked Dwight about his breakfast he told her it was good. She then asked if he noticed anything "different"-to which he replied yes-she didn't use salt. Apparently, heart shapes are not as noticeable at 3 am. Maybe I can make shamrocks out of bacon too?

Obama Blues

In case you haven't noticed, the Day household is not a big fan of our current president. Dwight would like to see him meet Allah and I would just like him impeached on the basis that he cannot prove he was born in America (insert Bruce Springstein here).  Anyway, I knew my take home would not be as much due to tax breaks expiring. I knew it. Imagine my surprise when the bossman called me in to the office to tell me I would be getting a raise. I thought take that Obama-and he did...even with the raise my paycheck is smaller than what I had in December. :(

Friday, February 8, 2013

Finally did it...

 That's right..I finally did it...I've been kidding Dwight about the people he deletes as friends from facebook and I finally deleted a person. I should have known we wouldn't be friends for very long when she complained about how difficult it was for her to gain weight. Then, I found myself hoping NOT to see a post from her every day and finally it hit me-just delete the bitch woman and so I did and I'm not sorry either.

They’ve been ordered

