Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Remote Back in Time

Did you ever get a thought in your head that just wouldn't leave? Mine involves a post by my daughter on facebook-it says something like don't you wish life would hand you a remote so you could go back in time.
I keep wondering where in her 18 years would she go back. Would she be a little kid? We'd be trying to figure out the perfect halloween costume. I'd try to figure out where to take the kids trick or treating and what kind of candy to handout-nothing too dorky or cheap-the perfect balance between nutritious and sweet.
Would she go back to grade school? The fall festivals would be in full swing-she'd probably be selling raffle tickets or candy. Fall Ball (softball) would be winding down and basketball practice would be starting.The first nine week report cards would be coming home any day now.
Maybe Junior High-cotillion would be in full swing. Football games every Thursday or Friday night and of course what movie would she see with her friends that weekend?
Maybe she'd go back to high school.Homecoming would be coming up. She might date different boys (would she go out with the ones I wanted her too?) She might hang with different girls. I wander what she'd do differently or why she'd want to go back.
I wouldn't want to go back for anything because then she wouldn't be the wonderful woman she is today.

Golden Rod

If you drive anywhere in Arkansas, you'll see a plant with yellow at its top. They're actually small flowers and the bloom looks a little like a gold firecracker that just went off-it just droops down with color until it eventually fades out. It's also called Ragweed. Some people are seriously allergic(like my Dad) and so out of respect for them-there is no bundle of flowers on the table. Feel free to come by.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Confused towel animal

Another towel animal-but what the hell is it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Egg on the Beach

on the way to the beach on the Galveston ferry

You can drive on certain beaches in Texas.


This was the ship where we stayed. We were gone for ten days-on the ship for five. We got to spend some time with Mom and Mike and the infamous Hopper-he's really cuter than any picture can describe. Also spent a couple of days in Galveston and exploring Texas.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2nd Chance

Today, I changed my hotmail password.Goodbye, "2ndchance". I really hated to change it, but it needed to be done. 2ndchance just describes me. I feel I've been given a second chance at love. It would have been nice to have gotten it right the first time, but I'm grateful for this chance. Let's face it, I'm older than a lot of pine trees in Arkansas. Hopefully a wee bit wiser. Love? Remember that giddy feeling you got as a teenager? It hasn't changed. Actually, I think it's a lot more fun this time. Remember those stupid little things your sweetie did that made your heart turn over? Some of you in long relationships will have to think really hard-jk.I'd love to hear what your sweetie does to warm your heart-that you can share on a blog that your mother might read.

I've been riding close to 2 years and I've probably saddled my horse less than 3 times-every time he does it-I get that tingling.

Same thing when he offers to help me up if I need it(I'm not an invalid, just very short legged).

My coffee fixed just right-you know with creamer -just the right shade of milky brown.

Chocalate at that crucial time of the month.

and one of my favorite questions-have you lost more weight?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You're Gonna Miss These Days

Early this morning, I'm thinking about all the moms getting their little ones ready for school. Some of them staying up way past midnight to do laundry and fix lunches after helping with homework and projects and reading bedtime stories.Waking them up two,three, or even four times, forcing a little bit of the most important meal of the day down their throats, and trying to make sure that the socks match, the shoes are tied, the hair and teeth are both brushed. Then dealing with traffic and spilled coffee.
I was lucky-I always got those sweet slobbery kisses before they bounded off and they weren't tardy too many times.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 3, 2010

So how's your weekend going?
Mine started out great-even though I'm a little late in posting this.
No, this wasn't practice.Yes, I'm
Mrs. Kate Day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Introducing Abigail

This is Abigail.She belongs to Lauren and Lauren has cut her bangs so that you might see Abigail's soulful eyes-actually she didn't want hair hanging in her eyes so the horse could see where she's going. She also cut her tail because it drug the ground and because Lauren thought she might accidently poop in it. She's come a long way in a short time.The first night, she jumped the fence to get away from the other horses.Yesterday, she threw a fit because the other horses left her by herself. When she first started trail riding she would limp a little, now the limp is a thing of the past and she's discovered she can race with the big girls. Speaking of big girls, if Abigail keeps gaining weight, Lauren will be looking for a wider girth.

Picture Goober strikes again

Can you take another random photograph of one of my kids? Sorry, just can't help myself. This is Lauren getting aquainted with Abigail. They're best buds now-one is just as free spirited as the other.