Friday, November 7, 2014

Stages of grief

It's been 6 months now and I'm trying to understand this "grief" thing. There are four stages: 1)denial 2)depression 3)anger and 4)acceptance. There is no timeline for any stage. I honestly couldn't tell you what stage I'm in. I can tell  you there are days I doubt my sanity. I want to put my dad in a germ free bubble. No guns or motorcycles. No tree stands over 2 feet. No ladders. For pete's sake take away his power tools(and those belonging to Mike too). UALR would be one teacher short-the hood is a little too dangerous for him in my opinion. Can you imagine him agreeing with any of this???? Right after hell freezes over. I really feel sorry for my husband. I know when he takes the motorcycle (and I watch road conditions). He gets grilled every day-did he take his vitamins? did he eat enough protein with breakfast? is he drinking water through out the day? has he propped his foot above his heart for 30 minutes? has he doctored all of his open cuts? did he get enough rest? I don't know why he puts up with me. Oh yes, I do. He loves me very much. And as much as I don't understand grief, he does.
I know each person handles grief differently, but I don't understand myself. There are days that go by and I'm fine. There are no melt downs. I can sing Elvis and Barry. I can even laugh and tell stories about her. I can look at pictures with dry eyes. Those days happen. Then, for no reason. It pours and I am powerless to stop it. There may be a trigger on some days-her birthday was a given, but others? There is no trigger-no warning and I pray I'm not in public. If some one could just yank the knife out of my heart on those days, I would appreciate it. I try to control it, but sometimes I can't and that's when it's the worst.  Dwight will find me and wrap me in a bear hug and I'll tell him I miss my mom. He'll hold me a little bit tighter and tell me I always will. And I'll wish he wasn't so damn honest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have those days too. I'm always here for you!