Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thermal Pollution

If I were a better person, I'd be talking about global warming, but sometimes my life well... it revolves around me. So, I'm gonna vent a little bit about the jackass that keeps turning on the cold air at work. It's December moron-I'm not asking to turn the heat on-I'm asking to leave the air off. Yes, I understand it's hard to find a temperature comfortable for fifty people. Yes, I know I can layer-but tonight I have 2 long sleeve shirts and a jacket. The chick three desks down has an electric blanket plugged into a usb port. There's two guys that never,ever take their coats off. It's pretty sad when I have to go outside in the winter months to warm up. Pretty sad. And there's only so much coffee, tea, soup that one person can drink. Only so much.

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