Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Making Doves Cry

Monday I went out in the snow to feed the chickens and there were two doves in the chicken pen. I wondered how they got in. There is only a very small section of wire big enough for them to possibly fit through-and they would have to contort their bodies a little to do it. I figured if they got in, they could get out. Tuesday, they were still there. Looking a little big rough. The rooster might have had something to do with that but I didn't actually see him touch them and they certainly weren't going to let me get close to them.
This morning they were still there so I entered the pen and caught one by the tail feathers. I didn't realize they could shed their feathers at will, but they can. I chased it down again and the second one was much easier to catch. It might have been scared of losing feathers or something. Anyway, they were turned out and set free.

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