Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lessons from Mother

Since my divorce, my primary residence has been with my mother. Mothers don't change. They don't like it when you put salt on your food before you taste it. They don't like it when you drink before lunch, and using the Lord's name in vain may actually cause phyical pain(to her heart you silly-she quit spanking me a couple of years ago).
But it's been a lot of fun and we've had a lot of laughs-my dog getting a concussion under the coffee table, both dogs eating ice and green beans, chickens racing dogs. We've enjoyed several shows and stories and late night coffee is great if you're in that certain mood.
I'll miss just mention a certain food and have it on the dinner table the next night-think sweet potato fries. There are so many things I'll miss... her kissing Mike good night, her loving on Fluffy, the hugs when I need it, her stories. Nothing beats Mom, but when it's time to let go. She does with such grace and understanding. Maybe I'll learn to do this one day, but don't count on it.

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