Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Incurable cancer. The doctor said the words out loud and made sure that we knew what that meant. That makes it real. Every thing has changed and I hope our experience can teach others. Little arguments are things of the past. We don't have time for such pettiness and it won't matter in the long run. I wake up each day trying to think of something to make my husband smile or feel better. This is probably something I should have been doing all along. Messes? Who gives a duck? As long as things are sanitary. It'll be ok. Each day is a gift. Things don't have to be perfect to be special. I can laugh at the sound his bag makes and make him laugh with me. Laughter is a sound that is better than gold. More precious in my world. He hates depending on me, but maybe I should tell him how much I love, love washing his hair. I wish I had washed his hair long ago. I appreciate everything thing he does and I try to tell him thanks. This too should have happened a long time ago.  I don't feel like we've wasted time, but I think we're just going to focus on what's important.

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