Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The struggle is real

 I'm struggling to get through the work week. Really struggling. Weekends are no problem-they seem to disappear like money. I need to find a way to look forward to each and every day. I really shouldn't just be counting down the days until the weekend or vacation. They say you are responsible for your own happiness a.k.a. you're only as happy as you choose to be. I definitely choose happy, but I'm not a faker. I can't pretend to be something I'm not so I've got to find my groove. I've fallen into the trap of sitting in front of the tv too much so I'm trying to give up tv on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Well, last night was a Tuesday and I sat in front of the tv for a little over an hour, but before I sat down I took Sampson for a walk.  I don't know which one of us enjoyed it more-he was so good on the leash and did every thing I asked him to. Me? I got a little sunshine and some much needed exercise. I felt bad about not taking Midnight so I'll try to take him tonight (he's usually a little terror on a leash). Any way, I'm really looking forward to Thursday ( a visit with Ms. Val) and Friday (working from home) and Saturday (a visit with David and Parker and darkside coffee) and Sunday (breakfast with Lauren and Gilmar) and Monday-well I'm still working on that one. 

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