Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Son's Day and boy love

 This week we celebrated "Son's Day" and as I looked at pictures of my son and step sons memories kept flooding my mind taking me back. Wondering how Paige and Beth will experience things with their sons.  There's the first time he grabs your hand and holds on tightly. Then, all the other times he grabs your hand before anyone else's. The way he'll gaze into your eyes when he's nursing and later he'll look to lock eyes to yours before he goes to school, before he steps up to bat. He'll bring you flowers. Sometimes it will just be a handful of weeds, but in his eyes they'll be pretty. It won't matter if he's three or thirty years old, your heart will skip a beat when he hands them to you. You'll feel so proud when he opens a door for you. You'll go crazy explaining how the universe and electricity works.  You'll want to help him all you can because one day he'll be a man and won't ask for help. If your lucky, really lucky you'll get to meet his child. 

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