Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Throw down that didn't happen yesterday

 Let me give you a little back ground information. I'm working days which means it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home. So, I feed early in the morning with a light strapped to my head- by the light of the full moon complete with coyotes howling in the distance (hopefully far, far away you know how sound carries in the mountains).
Dixie and Oscar, follow me out every morning. Dixie is quite the protector- all nine pounds of her. Nothing is allowed to come near me without her approval. Not the cats, not the horses, not the other dogs, and certainly not any of my hens.
That's where the problem started.
Miss Friendly is a Rhode Island red hen that runs out to greet me each time I feed. Lately, she's come closer and closer trying to get a glimpse at life outside the chicken coop. Maybe she's curious about the coyotes or why this idiot has a light on her head? Apparently she got a little to close to me without Dixie's approval and Dixie charged like a dog with a mission. Had she actually made contact with Miss Friendly, Cogburn and Romeo (aka roosters) would have merely been doing their job (protecting Miss Friendly) by getting Dixie. Then, I would have had to conk them on the head with the shovel normally reserved for snakes.
 Here's where I amazed myself.
By executing a ninja move that would have made Chuck Norris proud, I picked up Dixie and pushed Miss Friendly back to the stoop in one quick move only dropping an empty egg basket.
My dog, hen,the eggs, and roosters are all safe.
Then I gathered the eggs and went inside for a well deserved large cup of coffee.

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