Thursday, April 6, 2023

What death can teach you...

 Still searching for answers and asking why, but death can teach us all something and remind us of things we might have forgotten.

     Time is a gift. No one is given extra time and no matter how powerful you are-you can't get more. When it's your time, you will go. You won't have more time to spend with someone you should have. You won't get another chance to take the picture, give a hug, or say the words. You just won't. Your time is your own. You are responsible for how you spend it, use it, or lose it. 

I don't think anyone has regretted saying the words "I love you". I just don't. Now is not the time to try and change my mind. 

People grieve in different ways and have different needs, but understanding and kindness go a long way. 

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