Monday, June 25, 2018

Being loved

Josh Billings is attributed with writing " A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."
For some people, I can see reason to doubt this-I mean the dog doesn't actually talk.But you have to listen closely, and open your eyes.
This weekend, I got into a kayak for the first time. I was very wobbly and it took me a little while to get used to it. I was in the pond at our house and paddled the length of the pond over and over-trying to get used to it. Oscar followed me close by-as long as I was close to the shore he ran right beside me watching intently. I got a little more sure of myself and ventured to the middle of the pond about the time the wind picked up. Apparently this looked a little too dangerous to Oscar, he jumped in and swam the length of the pond in deep water to get to me. This is no small feet for something that has legs a maximum of six inches long. He had to be tired from running back and forth already, but that didn't stop him. He wanted to make sure I was alright, and he didn't let anything stop him. He was in deep water, swimming against the wind. I don't think he even thought about his own safety.
Some times he tests my patience when he wants a bite of every single thing I eat and when he refuses to pee in the rain. And when he farts after eating pickles. The way he steals my pillow at night.
But the love in his eyes, his snuggles, and his ability to give a kiss when it's most needed-it's worth it all.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Doing it right... the Brotherhood

Wow, I can't believe how fast June is speeding by. Just a week ago today, I made my way to Little Rock to celebrate my youngest's graduation from Nursing School in the LPN program. There was a gathering of family and friends. At one point, my ex-husband said a few words and announced it was time to "pin" Lauren. He called all of the nurses up to take part in this "pinning." I might not have used the words that he used or his approach, but calling all of them up to take part was a stroke of genius. As they pinned their daughter, stepdaughter, sister and niece they all had a special look in their eyes. That look was one of love, pride, and acceptance into a brotherhood. Their unspoken words seem to say "You're one of us now". They knew how much hard work it took to earn that pin. They had taken part in the late night study groups and the early morning cram sessions. They did the clinicals and labs. You could see the acceptance into that brotherhood. I know the rest of us were very proud of her too even if we weren't part of that brotherhood of Nurses.
I'll never be part of that group. I don't have what it takes and that's ok. I'll never be a gymnast, a football player, a model, or a butterfly. Again, I don't have what it takes and I'm ok with that, I'll just watch my little one fly. I know she will.
So proud of you my baby girl.