Saturday, July 1, 2017

Telling on my youngest sister

Sometimes life is so busy you forget the little things that happen. Unfortunately, some of them are funny and shouldn't be forgotten because you can learn from the past. So I'm writing this down before I forget.
I had taken my youngest sister out in Ponca to look for elk. They were no where to be found in the fields and so I thought maybe they might be in the woods by the river access.
They were! Out of the car jumps my sister Lee in search of the perfect picture.  She's feeling really good headed down a little path-after all she spent most of the previous day in this area swimming and chasing bull frog tadpoles. The elk meander over to the river and she cautiously follows behind them snapping away. Here's one of my pictures, but hers were really a lot closer.
And all was going good until something upstream startled the elk. They turned around and headed back. Lee moved as quickly as possible and stepped  onto a bank and one of the largest snake skins I have ever seen. Luckily there was no further sign of the snake and my sister made it back to the car before the elk did.

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