Monday, April 4, 2022

Lessons from Parker

 As old as I am, I'm not to old to learn from a much, much younger person. I tell myself that I already knew these things and just needed to be reminded, but the credit goes to my youngest grandson Parker.

1.One of the best places to be is in someone's arms especially if they love you.

2.If you don't like your surroundings, look at them from a different angle. Just changing positions can make everything look a little differently.

3.Smile at someone when they tell you that they love you(you won't believe how much it will warm their heart).

4. Love is like a diaper-there's always room for just a little bit more.

5. Laugh when things get really shitty, you'll still have to deal with the poop, but it'll be a lot more fun.

All in all, I'm reminded how quickly things change. Parker is holding his head up now. He recognizes colors and voices and before too long he'll have a little cousin.

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