Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Revelations

To celebrate the New Year's Holiday, the hubster and I went out to a real restaurant that served more than hamburgers and ate with adults and had adult conversations. Then we went to an adult party-when they rang the bell, free shots were given out. I liked my chair, and there were cute little guys in tuxedos that would come around and give me jello shots.
I didn't drink that much-really I didn't but I'm old enough to know that I should not have had beer with dinner, jello shots, rum and Dr. Pepper and the champagne at midnight. I'm old enough to know better, but somehow that didn't stop me-my body was not happy with me this morning.
Even more surprising, the hubster danced to "Purple Rain". One of my most favorite songs, and such an appropriate one this year. I never actually saw him shoot tequila but it does help hone is dancing skills.

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