Wednesday, December 7, 2016

That Santa Thing

One of the feeds that comes up on my face book was discussing the merits of Santa Claus. A lot of people were really against lying to their children. I had no such problem.
I'll never forget when Beth was either eight or nine I was worried that her friends would make fun of her for believing or worse yet-they'd break the news and be cruel about it so I went on to explain that Santa was the spirit of Christmas and that Christmas magic was real. The man in the red suit just wasn't one that you could physically touch. She had questions and was amazed that I had time for stockings in the middle of the night. She said that her dad and I must really love our kids to go through so much trouble-she got the idea. I figured as long as that truth came out, I might as well come clean so I told her about the Easter Bunny and when I got to the Tooth Fairy, she covered her ears and proclaimed her whole childhood had been a lie.
We laugh about it now-and I've asked her what she'll do when she has children of her own-and she'll lie to them too.
There's just something about believing that all things can go as planned, that impossible tasks can be completed, and that sometimes people work year round expecting nothing in return.

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