Thursday, August 25, 2016

Missing somebody

There's not a day go by that I don't miss my mom. Some days more than others, but there always seems to be something that reminds me of her. This week is the Newton County Fair. As usual, I've entered some things-just like she would have.
The last time I talked with her I told her that her turkhens had been ordered. Tall tales say that turkhens are a cross between turkeys and chickens. That's not really true. Turkhens are a breed of chicken. They're supposed to be good for meat and they lay eggs too. Mom wanted to enter hers in the beautiful bird category. You know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?

Ok this one might be cute on some level but it's young.

Now this is what she would have been entering:

I bet she could not have entered the paperwork with a straight face, but knowing Mom she would have walked away with a Grand Champion ribbon.

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