Thursday, July 11, 2013

Garden/house work

That or have aluminum foil that transforms itself into little people to majestically make dinner and clean up. It's not that I would be sleeping while the animals/little foil people worked-I'd be doing laundry (have some socks that have been on a line for two days and 2 baskets that need to be folded and put away which is why I don't have a basket to get those socks). Or else I would be doing something in the garden or with garden produce-need to seriously put some hay around the strawberry plants which need pruning. I still have okra to pick even though I filled a bucket last night. There's okra, beans, zucchini, and squash that needs to be put up yesterday. But I've kept the dust bunnies at bay and think I've convinced the ducks not to use the portch as a toilette. Small victories, but I'll take them.

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