Sunday, January 4, 2015


Rub-a-dub-dub. Four dogs in the tub. Actually, there's a little bit of a knack to it so not all of them at once. First of all, the temperature has to be warm. Very warm, but not hot. Then you have to soap up Dixie (ladies first you know) and be prepared to listen to Oscar bark until it's his turn (will be glad when his balls drop and his bark is not so high pitched). You're supposed to let the shampoo sit on them for 15 minutes, but I've never got that far. They love when I rub them down and massage their little backs. The soap and water are a minor inconvenience. So Dixie comes out and gets towel dried, then it's Mellie's turn, and then Oscar. We have to stop after Oscar gets out of the tub. When he was much smaller I made the mistake of wrapping him up in a warm towel and carrying him around like a bundled baby. It's something he expects when he gets a bath. So I have to carry him around until he's good and dry and has been properly burped. Then we have to chase Loki and to catch him and give him a bath. Much watch Loki closely because he will escape the tub with the soap on if you turn to sneeze.
And that is how I clean four dogs. Yes, the bathroom heater is on. No, they don't want to go outside in the snow to use the restroom now.

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