Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hey, Chick!

Wish these little guys could have made their grand entrance last weekend when Connor and Casey were here, but the hatching continues even  as I type this. They weren't supposed to hatch until next weekend so we were a little surprised. So far, we've got 10 chickens and still 20 eggs in the incubator. A new chick is nothing like you would expect-they're just as ugly as a newly hatched robin. These are several hours old-and have learned to old their heads up. They don't know how at first. They walk like a blind, drunk. Dwight dips their beaks into water and it forces them to take a small sip. They're getting strong by the hour. We have to keep it really warm for them-over ninety degrees or they'll freeze.I'm going to go check on the eggs again.

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