Thursday, November 22, 2018


It's Thanksgiving. Can't believe I haven't posted in November, but Momma always said if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. It's not as if there aren't any blessings  in my life. I am incredibly blessed but November is hard. I wonder if it always will be.
I want to say thank you to my favorite blessings... My kids.
Chris is fighting some demons and sometimes he beats them and his love shows. Not everyone can show their love. It's so much more important than words. I pray he beats his demons in this epic battle we call life.
Beth is truly a wonderful woman. If she wasn't my daughter I would be proud to just call her my friend. Doubly blessed to call her both.
Heath is an amazing Daddy . I'm privileged to watch him in action. Also not ashamed to pray that more children have dad's that love them like Heath loves Xander.
Paul has such an adventurous spirit, I try to be like him. He has such a love for learning and life that he inspires me daily.
Speaking of inspiration,  reminds me of the baby. She's 26 now and adulting like a boss. Wish I had my stuff as together as she does .
Pretty amazing people that hold my heart and hope for the future. Thank you.

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