Monday, February 10, 2025

Thanks dear Hubby

 Whenever I asked Dwight about his retirement,  he always said that there was none. His job didn't provide a pension but he'd have social security and what he'd put into his 401 k. He said he started it when we got married so there wasn't much in there. I never really thought about it. We paid our bills and lived our lives as we wanted. When he really retired, he took control of his 401 and bought a bass boat and he'd tell me if he lost or made money that day. It's not a ton of money, but it will make things easier for me and definitely gave me the opportunity to retire early. It's taken me a long time to transfer the money over to my name because I didn't do anything to earn it and he worked his ass off. I'm taking the final steps to put it to use to secure my future. A future without him, but one that he made possible and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I know I feel grateful and loved.

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