Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Just Wondering

My youngest daughter, Lauren, visited over the week and I've started the process of cleaning all the sheets. Yesterday, I put clean sheets on the bed and left for work. Not quite finished-no pillow cases or comforter on it. Today, I went to put the pillow cases on pillows and on the bed-right smack in the middle of the bed was a shiny penny. I fluffed the sheets before putting them on. No one has been in that room but me and the dogs. I refuse to believe that one of them picked up a coin in their mouth and jumped on the bed with it. The bed's an old one with high foot boards-so I can't lean over the bed and smooth out the middle-there's no way anything could have fallen out of my pocket(and I wasn't wearing anything with pockets). So where did that penny come from? There's no hole in the ceiling.
Then I remember "when an angel misses you-they toss a penny down. Sometimes just to cheer you up and to make a smile out of a frown"
Yes, I believe in angels but I'm not sure they can throw pennies. But the penny is there and the dogs aren't talking.

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