Thursday, July 31, 2014

Classic Heinz Ketchup Anticipation TV Ad 1979

A millioygo, there was a ketchup commercial talking about "Anticipation is making me wait". There is no doubt the person that wrote that was getting ready to go on vacation. The anticipation is worse than waiting for the damn ketchup to come out of the bottle. Five friggin' hours until we hit that black ribbon of highway. I'm ready to see my husband for more than 12 hours. We'll get to eat, sleep, and enjoy each other for over a week. I have mixed feelings on the phone charger-I wouldn't really mind it that's the thing that got forgotten. You know I have to forget something. It's in my genetic make up. I can rest easy when I find out what it is that I forgot. Last year, it was post card stamps. One year it was a hair brush. One year my tooth brush. We'll just have to wait and see. The plan is for me to get off work and hubby will pick me up in the RV. I'll drink a little something to sleep and wake up God knows where.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

Sunday night Lynrd Skynrd will be playing at the Buffalo Chip. I'm apologizing to Dwight ahead of time-I will attempt to get him drunk enough to dance to this with me.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Bound to happen. Last night it did.

Sounds like a country song, "bound to happen, one night it did". We got that dreaded text. Bike down. In hospital in Harrison. Can you come sit with us til family arrives? After cancelling dinner plans with an understanding daughter and her boyfriend, we headed to the hospital. This same understanding daughter not only cooked dinner, but left dinner for Dwight and I to find after coming home from the hospital-giving us one more reason to love her. Our friends are alive and will have no visible scars. He had four broke ribs and a punctured lung. She had four broke ribs, a broken collar bone, a broken toe, and a partially collapsed lung. They were wearing helmets. I've always been amazed at the number of people that don't wear them. For us, it's just no question. Dwight simply doesn't start the bike until mine is on. Dwight and my dad are some of the safest drivers I know. They've both laid a bike down. I know accidents happen and I really don't have a death wish. People have been gunned down in movie theaters and McDonald's. They've been killed in Walmart parking lots. Riding a bike (even on the back in my nice comfy seat) is a lot more enjoyable than McDonald's, Walmart, or even the theater.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

getting ready for Sturgis

So I've pretty much got all the food packed and most of our clothes. But, then I hear at Sturgis clothing is somewhat optional.
I'm not saying I will, but Jose Quervo has never been a friend of mine.

These are painted on-look just like shirts don't they, but if I had some girl friends going with  me, I would be signing up for this

You know I love butterflies

but my favorite is
I'm not saying I will BUT it will be really hot and these things aren't getting any perkier. I can definitely say I won't be putting it on facebook unless it is incredibly good or I've had wayyyy to much to drink.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rollin' on the River

Ok so maybe I wasn't exactly rolling-more like floating and paddling as much as I could. Lauren and I decided it was just too hot to do any productive work and we decided to tube from Hasty to Carver on the Buffalo River. I thought it was five miles, but it's really only four-and it took us four hours. Lots of bruises later-we arrived in Carver just before a massive thunder shower and we both have some great tans to show for our efforts in spite of using SPF 50.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My day

Today started out with two texts from my sisters talking about missing Mom. It was strange that I got those particular texts because my day was planned to spend with my grandson-and thinking about him has been reminding me of her. I know that's strange, but one of our last meals together was a lunch with my grandson. She was laughing at me as I was spoon feeding him some ice cream. All of a sudden, a look passed between us. No words were actually spoken, but lots of things were said. I understood her pure joy at being a grandma. I knew how she could love nine grandkids with every ounce of her being. I know she wasn't perfect, but I do know that she knew how to love. Really love. I like to think she's passed that on to all of us. The orginal plan was to pick him up and return home just to finish some chores and take a nap. Screw it. We went to the park and played until he grabbed me by the hand and led me back to the car. Then we got his sausage and cheese kolache. We went shopping where he picked out the ugliest orange pants on the planet and we ate dipping dots. We took some pictures in a booth and drove home barefoot. When I dropped him off, he kissed me goodbye with no prodding and when I shut the door, he started to cry. It's probably wrong of me, but I started to smile. How many times had my kids done the same thing? Then when I started to get into my car, I found a penny on the ground. Somebody in heaven was thinking of me.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cleaning out my desk

So I'm at working cleaning out my desk(I keep everything until it becomes a necessity to throw it out due to lack of space) and I'm diligently looking for some number and I run across this scribled down

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to NOT think-not wonder-not imagine-not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

I don't know who wrote it it or why it was in my desk but it was good to find.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Early in the morning, there's a time that seems almost magical. You can't really assign a specific time to it, but it's when the fog is just about melted off the mountains. The spider webs glisten like jewels and there's still a slight breeze left from the night before.