Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 Days and Counting

This is for Stinkydog-who only has 10 days until the baby comes. Enjoy your last ten days of peace.
1. Right now you know where your kid is
2. You can guess with some certainty what your child is doing
3. You haven't heard your child cry-something so minor will at times tear your heart into pieces.
4. You can control what your child eats-right now you're not wearing any food
5. You probably smell normal-in the future you won't-it doesn't end with toddler years-older children have lotions and perfumes that you must try
6. Right now you don't feel guilty for closing the door to use the restroom-later you might miss someone calling for you
7.Right now you can communicate with your child-he has to hear what you say.He may not respond-this is training for later years.
8.Your child cannot tell you that he doesn't like meat or eggs or carbonated beverages
9. Right now you don't have to berate your child for burping in public
10.Right now you can hug that little bugger all you want-he's not too busy and he can't run away.
Enjoy!It won't be long now(I can say this because I slept comfortably last night).

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