While everyone is out having fun in the sun, I got to spend some time at the mediquick/hospital this weekend. So not an exciting week end. Not much in the way of social interaction, but I did have a conversation with a nurse.
Notes in parenthesis are just in my head
Nurse: How old are you?
Me: 50
Nurse: Are you married?
Me: yes
Nurse: Any chance you're pregnant?
Me: no (wtf didn't I just tell you I was 50-I'm sick not stupid)
Nurse: Do you have siblings? Are they healthy?
Me: Yes, everyone is healthy but the idiot. (she looks at me like "go on...") he thinks moderate exercise is running 5 miles a day and has a heart condition.
Nurse: Are your parents alive?
(I swear I heard her, but the words didn't register)
Nurse: Are your parents both alive?
Long silence
Me: No (and I officially don't like these fucking questions)
Nurse: Which one?
Me: My mom
Nurse: I'm sorry (me too)
I understand they might use this information in some cases, but they didn't in mine so why waste time? Why take the information down if you won't use it?